Define “Broadcast Journalism” in 1-3 sentences.
The reporting of current events of importance though television, radio or the internet.
List and describe the six criteria of newsworthiness.
1 Significance: effects a mass amount of people Ex.9/11
2. Unusualness : different out of the ordinary Ex. J Leano
3. Proximity: come paired to your area Ex. Traffic on 35W
4. Prominence: Celebrity's lives compared to normal people Ex. Obama gets a dog
5. Timeliness : Needs to be current unless you are making a reference Ex. Southern Cal won Saturday
6. Human interest: Even if the news is all bad they end with a fell good story Ex. A new animal is born at the zoo
What are the differences between print journalism and broadcast journalism?
1. Current you can go live quicker then with print you have to wait a day.
2.Print journalism always you to skip ahead to what you want to see where for broadcasting you have to wait for the other story's first.
3. print journalism always you to go way more in depth because you have no time restrictions
How is the Internet impacting broadcast journalism?
It is the best of both worlds you get the current's of the new and the in deepness of a paper with out the cost.
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